he Rotary Club of Kalispell and Partners formed the Sustainable Global Coalition which is currently working on the La Vega Water Project. We built strong partnerships with the community of La Vega, Guatemala, the Rotary Club of Mazatenango, Fundazucar and Engineers without Borders. The goal is to secure a safe and reliable water source for 1,340 adults and children. This project was funded through Rotary Global Grants, donors, and in-kind contributions from the communities in the form of local labor, local funding, and local leadership. Most of the shallow wells currently in use are contaminated. By providing clean and accessible water, this project will assist this community to grow and sustain a healthy environment. Together, we can change lives for the better.

Here is the latest update from Rotary Club of Kalispell member, engineer, and a project leader:
Great news to pass along. The well driller has passed 220 ft with little to no issues. The target aquifer is approximately 450 feet below the surface based on the hydraulic/hydrology report completed for this project. The Rotary Foundation (TRF)is set to transfer the first payment for the project. With the first payment and the funds previously sent by the Rotary Club of Kalispell, there should be enough money available to install the pump house, pump, and construct the water storage tank.
Thank you for your support,
Mark Rohweder, PE, PMP
Thank you for your support,
Mark Rohweder, PE, PMP